No company can match StemCyte's LifeSaver Guarantee!
With StemCyte's Hybrid model you will naturally
receive support and options at NO additional cost
If for any reason your newborn's cord blood unit fails to engraft, StemCyte's LifeSaver Guarantee will:
Find a replacement at no cost to parents from StemCyte's public inventory.
Refund All Fees.
Provide parents with an additional $50k.
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Annual Cord Blood Plans
FDA Approved Treatments
Cord Blood Stem Cells
FDA Approved Treatments
Cord Blood Stem Cells
Cord Blood Cord blood contains a rich source of various cells including hematopoietic stem cells which form blood cells. Today, there are 80 diseases that can be treated with cord blood stem cells. Also, there are more than 100 active cord blood stem cell clinical trials worldwide investigating the treatment of various diseases like autism.
An Overview
StemCyte's Top Advantages
There are many important things to consider before choosing a company to preserve your newborn's cord blood and cord tissue. As pioneers in regenerative medicine, StemCyte knows what truly matters at every step of banking. We hope this list of our top advantages will give you the confidence in our science, products, and the people who will care for your family's future health and well-being.
StemCyte永生1997年成立于美国加州City of Arcadia,以公捐脐带血起家,是目前唯一获得美国联邦政府以及卫生资源和服务管理局(HRSA)认可及被提供补助款的私人脐带血企业,协助美国建立多元种族的脐带血库存,以方便为移植中心提供更多不同族裔的脐带血來源。之后以公捐库认证与流程最高规范投入私存业务,希望以最高规范标准为私存客戶提供新生儿干细胞服务,StemCyte永生为美国少数同时拥有公捐与私存库的hybrid脐带血银行。StemCyte永生在海外设有两家子公司,台湾子公司成立于 2000年,印度子公司成立于2010年,目的皆为建立多元种族的脐带血库,以挽救更多的生命。

StemCyte永生的脐带血送至全世界六大洲且超过350医院,是全美提供最多移植的私人脐带血企业;并与许多知名研究机构和医学中心进行合作,其中包括Duke杜克大学医学院、MD Anderson癌症治疗中心、UC Davis医学中心、Stanford史丹佛大学医学院、Rutgers大学W. M. Keck整合性神经科学中心、中国脊髓损伤研究协作组(China SCINET)、台湾慈济医院(Tzu Chi Hospital)等知名医疗机构,旨在共同开拓干细胞在不同领域的用途。
StemCyte永生在全球进行疾病治疗应用,包括美国、中国与台湾,有数项干细胞相关的临床试验项目在进行中,如“脊椎损伤” “急性慢性中风” “艾滋病””等,希望借此将干细胞拓展到更广泛的医学领域,并期许能以”Better Cell, Better Life"的理念,解决目前医疗上尚未有有效治疗方法的疾病,以改善人类生活。