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Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Banking

作家相片: stemcytemarketingstemcytemarketing

Let's Talk About It

A Mom's Advice on Advice!

Finding out you are expecting is one of the most exciting times of your life. Whether you are having your first or growing your family, the advice from family, friends, doctors, and childbirth experts may be overwhelming! If you were to do a search for advice on what to expect when expecting, you would come up with 424 MILLION results! Wow, that is a lot of advice.

Every aspect of pregnant life can lead to information overload. From the first week of your pregnancy to the fortieth, parents-to-be will have many decisions to make along the way. There will be moments of happiness and moments of doubts and fears throughout your entire pregnancy. More importantly, whatever you decide to do with the information and advice, the decision will ultimately be yours.

As you take this journey into parenthood, you may have heard about preserving your baby’s umbilical cord blood and cord tissue. While there is a lot of information on the internet with regard to cord blood banking, it is not always insightful, practical or reassuring when you are trying to make an informed choice.

Our goal at StemCyte® is to help you make informed decisions. Join us as we blog here each week to provide you with basic and in-depth information, facts, stats, and resources that will increase your confidence in your journey to motherhood.

We will share this information in bites so that you can fully digest the many aspects of cord blood and cord tissue banking. We will help you be armed with information that will empower you with both confidence and peace of mind as you navigate the continuously emerging science of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. We will debunk the myths that tend to accumulate on the internet. Lastly, we know that crowded waiting rooms and busy physicians may not take the time to discuss all aspects of cord blood banking with you.

While StemCyte® works to make obstetricians, gynecologists, and other obstetric care providers more knowledgeable, we hope you will come back to our blog and begin to learn how your baby’s cord blood could benefit you and your family in the future.



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