No company can match StemCyte's LifeSaver Guarantee!
With StemCyte's Hybrid model you will naturally
receive support and options at NO additional cost
If for any reason your newborn's cord blood unit fails to engraft, StemCyte's LifeSaver Guarantee will:
Find a replacement at no cost to parents from StemCyte's public inventory.
Refund All Fees.
Provide parents with an additional $50k.
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Cord Blood & Tissue Banking
Annual Cord Blood Plans
FDA Approved Treatments
Cord Blood Stem Cells
FDA Approved Treatments
Cord Blood Stem Cells
Cord Blood Cord blood contains a rich source of various cells including hematopoietic stem cells which form blood cells. Today, there are 80 diseases that can be treated with cord blood stem cells. Also, there are more than 100 active cord blood stem cell clinical trials worldwide investigating the treatment of various diseases like autism.
An Overview
StemCyte's Top Advantages
There are many important things to consider before choosing a company to preserve your newborn's cord blood and cord tissue. As pioneers in regenerative medicine, StemCyte knows what truly matters at every step of banking. We hope this list of our top advantages will give you the confidence in our science, products, and the people who will care for your family's future health and well-being.
StemCyte永生不仅是一家脐带血和脐带组织储存银行,而是真正的临床应用专家。我们透过不断地临床试验来带领再生医学领域的发展。所以您存放新生儿的脐带血和脐带组织在 StemCyte永生,才是真正守护到家人未来的健康! StemCyte永生积极参与了六项临床试验,测试脐带血干细胞在急性、慢性中风、脑瘫、自闭症、脊髓损伤和软骨修复方面的治疗。
脊椎损伤 / 第二期临床试验
StemCyte永生是首家获得美国食品药物管理局(FDA)批准治疗脊髓损伤第二期临床试验的综合性脐带血库。 StemCyte永生在中国所进行的使用脐带血干细胞治疗脊髓损伤的初期试验非常成功,以至FDA允许我们省略在美国正常流程下所需要的第一期临床试验,直接批准永生在美国进行第二期的临床试验!FDA对永生在研究方法与临床应用领域的信心将加速干细胞应用在美国的发展。